Origin: Germany
Supplier: Weyermann
Yield: 82.23 %
Potential: 1.038
Color: 14.0 EBC
Max in Batch: 100.0 %
Moisture: 3.30 %
Protein: 10.6 %
Coarse Fine Difference: 1.50 %
Diastatic Power: 50.0 %
R41.00 kg
Color: 14.0 EBC
Light Munich malt. May be used as a base for many German beer styles. Fest beers, bocks, ales. Enhances malty flavour and aroma
Origin: Germany
Supplier: Weyermann
Yield: 82.23 %
Potential: 1.038
Color: 14.0 EBC
Max in Batch: 100.0 %
Moisture: 3.30 %
Protein: 10.6 %
Coarse Fine Difference: 1.50 %
Diastatic Power: 50.0 %
Weight | 1 g |
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